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OSHA Training in Casper WY

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OSHA Training Requirements and Resources for Casper WY

The State of Wyoming operates an approved State OSHA program, and therefore regulates most OSHA training for workers in Casper WY. The Wyoming State Plan was initially approved on May 3, 1974, and was granted final state plan approval on June 27, 1985.

WY OSHA Training Regulations and Standards

The Wyoming State Plan adopts all Federal standards identically except for 1910 Subpart A, B, and C, and 1926 Subpart A and B, which have been reworded to reflect the Wyoming’s Safety Act. Wyoming has also adopted the federal record-keeping and reporting requirements identical to the federal rule, 29 CFR 1904.

Wyoming has unique standards that cover Oil and Gas Well Drilling, Servicing, Special Servicing and Anchor Tester Requirements. Federal OSHA does not have specific standards for this industry.

With “The Oil City” serving as a central hub for oil and gas activities in the Rocky Mountain region, H₂S certification training is essential for Wyoming’s oilfield workers.

Additionally, Wyoming’s high summer temperatures put outdoor and industrial workers at risk for heat-related illnesses. Our Heat Stress Prevention Training provides critical knowledge to stay safe in extreme conditions.

For Wyoming’s Occupational Safety and Health Standards, access the Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety’s website. Links to see federal OSHA training requirements for construction and general industry are available below on this page.

Since Wyoming does not have jurisdiction in maritime industries, the state has not adopted 29 CFR 1915, 1916, 1917, or 1918 or a state equivalent.


The Wyoming State Plan applies to all public and private sector places of employment in Casper and the rest of the state of Wyoming, with the exception of Federal employees (including those employed at Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks), the United States Postal Service (USPS), private sector maritime, employment at Warren Air Force Base and at the Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserve in Casper, and certain agricultural related operations (field sanitation and temporary labor camps), which are subject to Federal OSHA jurisdiction.

Wyoming OSHA Information

The Wyoming OSHA plan operates under the umbrella of the Worker Safety and Compensation Division, which is in the Wyoming Department of Employment. The main office is located in Cheyenne:


1510 E. Pershing Blvd. – West Wing

Cheyenne, WY 82002

The state also operates a satellite office in Casper WY.

OSHA’s National Emergency Hotline telephone number is 1-800-321-OSHA.

Request a proposal for on site OSHA training in Casper WY

Disclaimer: This information was obtained from the Federal OSHA website. OSHA Training Services Inc. makes every effort to ensure that the information on this page is accurate and up to date, but changes in state law and procedures affecting the information on this page are beyond our control. Contact Wyoming OSHA program staff directly to verify important information about OSHA training requirements in Casper WY.
