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OSHA Training in Abilene TX

OSHA Training Classes Conducted at Your Site in Abilene TX

We conduct on site OSHA training at your location in Abilene TX (specify English or Spanish)

OSHA Training Requirements and Resources for Abilene TX

If you need information about OSHA training in Abilene TX or the surrounding area, you are in the right place! OSHA Training Services Inc. offers Abilene area employers and workers the OSHA authorized training resources needed to help you meet OSHA training requirements. 

Regulation of OSHA Training in Abilene TX

Who regulates workplace safety in Abilene TX? Worker safety for private companies in Abilene and the rest of the state of Texas is regulated by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The state of Texas does not operate an approved state OSHA program for public employees at the state or political sub-division (e.g.: municipal) level.

OSHA Training Regulations and Standards

Regulated employers located in Abilene Texas are governed by the Federal OSHA health and safety standards found in the 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These include, but are not limited to, the OSHA workplace poster requirements in Part 1903, OSHA injury and illness record-keeping requirements in Part 1904, general industry standards in Part 1910, maritime standards in Parts 1915, 1917 and 1918, construction standards in Part 1926, and agricultural standards in Part 1928.

Special Worker Safety Training Considerations for Abilene, TX

Located near the eastern edge of the Permian Basin, Abilene is closely connected to Texas’ oil and gas industry. Workers in drilling, refining, and pipeline operations face potential H₂S exposure, making H₂S Awareness Training Certification critical for safety.

And summers in Abilene bring extreme heat, increasing the risk of heat-related illnesses for outdoor and industrial workers. Our Heat Illness Prevention Training course provides essential strategies to prevent heat stress and stay safe on the job.

Workers must complete Confined Space Entry Training for General Industry before entering hazardous areas such as tanks, vats, silos, sewer and storm drain systems, underground utilities, and many crawl spaces. Supervisors overseeing confined space entry and attendants monitoring entrant safety must also be trained. These environments pose serious risks, including toxic gases, oxygen deficiency, and engulfment. Additionally, construction workers and supervisors entering confined spaces must complete specialized Confined Space Training for Construction.


Federal OSHA exercises jurisdiction over most private employers in the state of Texas. Federal employers in TX also operate under the jurisdiction of Federal OSHA. There is one OSHA area office located near the Abilene Texas area:

Fort Worth Area Office
North Starr II, Suite 302
8713 Airport Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76180

The Federal OSHA national emergency hotline telephone number is 1-800-321-OSHA.

Request a proposal for on site training in Abilene TX (specify English or Spanish)

OSHA training Abilene TX

Disclaimer: This information was obtained from the Federal OSHA website. OSHA Training Services Inc. makes every effort to ensure that the information on this page is accurate and up to date, but changes in state law and procedures affecting the information on this page are beyond OSHA’s control. Contact OSHA program staff directly to verify important information about OSHA training requirements Abilene TX.
