OSHA Training Requirements
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Various health and safety standards promulgated by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) explicitly require the employer to train (or instruct, or communicate, or inform . . .) employees regarding the safety and health aspects of their jobs. Other OSHA standards make it the employer’s responsibility to limit certain job assignments to employees who are “certified,” “competent,” or “qualified” – meaning that they have had specialized training, in or out of the workplace. Also, the term “designated” personnel means selected or assigned by the employer or the employer’s representative as being qualified to perform specific duties.
The OSHA training requirements that can be accessed below have been extracted from Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 1910 for General Industry, Part 1926 for the Construction Industry, and Administrative standards found in Parts 1903 and 1904). Note that additional training requirements may appear in certain other consensus standards (ANSI, NFPA, etc.) incorporated by reference in the various parts of the OSHA CFR, and are therefore mandatory.
Click below to see OSHA Training Requirements Applicable to Your Operations

1910 General Industry
OSHA Training Requirements

1926 Construction Industry OSHA Training Requirements