OSHA Training Requirements - Demolition
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1926.850 – 1926.860 – Demolition
1926.850 – Preparatory Operations
(a) – Prior to permitting employees to start demolition operations, an engineering survey shall be made, by a competent person, of the structure to determine the condition of the framing, floors, and walls, and possibility of unplanned collapse of any portion of the structure. Any adjacent structure where employees may be exposed shall also be similarly checked. The employer shall have in writing evidence that such a survey has been performed.
1926.852 – Chutes
(c) – A substantial gate shall be installed in each chute at or near the discharge end. A competent employee shall be assigned to control the operation of the gate, and the backing and loading of trucks.
1926.858 – Removal of Steel Construction
(b) – Cranes, derricks, and other hoisting equipment used shall meet the requirements specified in § 1926.1501 of § 1926 subpart DD.
1926.859 – Mechanical Demolition.
(g) – During demolition, continuing inspections by a competent person shall be made as the work progresses to detect hazards resulting from weakened or deteriorated floors, or walls, or loosened material. No employee shall be permitted to work where such hazards exist until they are corrected by shoring, bracing, or other effective means.

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