Online Confined Spaces in Construction Training
Home Online OSHA Training Courses Online Confined Spaces in Construction Training
Confined Space Entry in Construction Training Courses for The Competent Person and Entry Supervisors, & for Entrants and Attendants
If you have employees working in or near confined spaces at construction, renovation, and demolition worksites, you are required to provide them with the confined space training needed to be safe. The Online OSHA Confined Space Entry for Construction Training Courses offered on our website are the training courses you need for all entrants, attendants, and supervisors involved in any phase of confined space entry operations at a construction site. These confined space training courses are also recommended for representatives of controlling contractors, host employers, and all competent persons at construction sites having confined spaces, as they too have specific duties under the OSHA confined spaces in construction standard. We even offer an free confined space hazard awareness course for non-authorized personnel working at construction sites.
Students of any of our online confined space training courses can print their training certification after completing their course, allowing you to provide tangible evidence of training that safety inspectors and regulators will be looking for during their evaluation of your operations.
These are not short, cheap “awareness-level” confined space entry construction training courses like those offered on those other websites. We offer the most comprehensive confined space training courses available on the web for the competent person, supervisors, entrants and attendants. Each of these online courses were created by a Certified Safety Professional with an advanced degree in occupational safety and health, plus years of experience managing and evaluating confined space entry programs around the country.
NOTE: The confined spaces in construction courses we offer are all-inclusive, so there is no need to take all three; just register for the one course you need. For example, if you simply want to know if there any permit-required confined spaces at your job site, take the “How to Identify Permit Required Confined Spaces at Construction Sites” course. Entrants and attendants for confined spaces at construction sites would only need to take the “Entrants and Attendants” course needed for entering a confined space or serving as the attendant during entry operation. And entry supervisors and the Competent Person for the construction site would only need to take the more comprehensive “Entry Supervisor and the Competent Person” course, which covers everything in the other courses plus more, thereby qualifying you to act as a confined space entrant or attendant in addition to being an entry supervisor or competent person. Of course, the hazard awareness course is available for those workers at construction sites who are not specifically authorized to work in or around permit spaces.
All of the confined space entry construction training courses (with the exception of the awareness course) come with a notes packet the student can print for use with their course (use is optional). And the confined spaces in construction course for entry supervisors and the competent person also comes with a free model written confined space program with permits that they can download and customize for use for entry operations.

Confined Space Entry for Construction - Entry Supervisors & The Competent Person
- Fifteen modules
- Also covers training for entrants & attendants
- 8 hours to complete
- Print training certification for proof of course completion
Only $189
Or, in the alternative, click here to purchase 2 or more courses to assign to your group of students

Confined Space Entry for Construction - Confined Space Entrants & Attendants
- Twelve modules
- Train at your own pace
- 6 hours to complete
- Print training certification for proof of course completion
Only $149
Or, in the alternative, click here to purchase 2 or more courses to assign to your group of students

How to Identify Permit Required Confined Spaces at Construction Sites
- Five modules
- Ideal for Safety Managers & GC's
- Train at your own pace
- 2.5 hours to complete
- Print training certification for proof of course completion
Only $59
Or, in the alternative, click here to purchase 2 or more courses to assign to your group of students

Confined Space Awareness Training for Non-authorized Employees - Construction Sites
- Protect workers not authorized to enter permit spaces
- Awareness-level course takes just 15 minutes to complete
- Print training certification for proof of course completion
FREE for limited time
Or, in the alternative, click here to obtain 2 or more courses to assign to your group of students

- Easy registration
- Start your course immediately (or later if you prefer)
- Train at your own pace
- Log in and out from different computers / devices
- Print your training certificate when completed
Who Should Take these Online Confined Spaces in Construction Training Courses?
The OSHA Confined Spaces in Construction standards found at 29 CFR Subpart AA (1926.1200 – 1213) of the OSHA 1926 construction standards requires workers (entrants and attendants) and entry supervisors involved with all phases of entry into permit-required confined spaces on construction sites (including major renovations and demolition projects) receive training. Workers must also receive additional training or instruction from their employer, where needed, to cover their site-specific policies and procedures as well as any training / instruction that may be needed on the company’s tools and equipment used during confined space entry work conducted at their construction sites.
These confined space entry training courses for entrants, attendants, entry supervisors, and the Competent Person at constructions are also recommended for representatives of controlling contractors, host employers and safety managers at construction sites having confined spaces, as they too have specific duties to be performed under the OSHA 1926 confined spaces in construction standard.
Confined space hazard awareness training is intended for those workers who have not been trained to take part in any permit space entry operations, and informs them why it is so important for their own safety to stay out of permit spaces.
How the Online Confined Spaces in Construction Training Courses Works
Courses are designed to be taken by one trainee. Companies and organizations wishing to have multiple people take our online courses may click the link to register as a Learner Manager and purchase multiple courses to assign to their group of students (group discount rates are automatically applied if you purchase five + courses). Trainees will be able to begin training within a matter of seconds after they are registered for their online confined spaces in construction training courses. To make sure the trainee is at the computer throughout the course, the student is prompted to click an arrow to advance through the course each time a module section is completed. The course is narrated, so the trainee must use a computer equipped with speakers, or they must plug in headphones or ear-buds so they can hear the narration.
One of the major benefits of taking our online confined space training courses is the trainee may log out of their online training course at any time during their training session, and can log back in later to resume training where they left off, even from a different computer or tablet. Students are allotted up to six months to complete their course, but they can certainly complete it much quicker (even in a single sitting) since their confined spaces in construction courses are available for them to log in 24/7/365.
Online Confined Spaces in Construction Training Course Outline
The training course for entry supervisors and the Competent Person include all of the following modules, whereas the course for entrants and attendants covers all modules marked with one asterisk (*), and the “How to identify permit required confined spaces at construction sites” course covers the five topics marked with a double asterisk (**).
- Course Introduction (* / **)
- Origins of OSHA’s Confined Space Standards (*)
- Scope, Definitions, and General Requirements
- Identifying Confined Spaces (* / **)
- Determining Which Confined Spaces are Permit-required (* / **)
- Employer/Contractor Responsibilities
- Reclassification / Alternate Entry Procedures (*)
- Permit-required Confined Space Entry Program (*)
- Entry Permit / Permitting Process (*)
- Training Requirements (*)
- Duties of Entrants, Attendants, and Entry Supervisors (*)
- Rescue and Emergency Services (*)
- Atmospheric Testing (* / **)
- Ventilation (*)
- Course Recap and Final Exam (all courses)
Confined Spaces in Construction Course Quizzes and Final Test
There is a short quiz at the end of each module, as well as a final test at the end of each course. The trainee must make at least 80% to pass each quiz and final test, and is allotted up to three times to take and pass each quiz and the final test. The quizzes and test are not designed to be difficult, but rather are designed to help ensure the trainee is actively participating in their online confined space entry training course. To help trainees retain knowledge about confined space-related topics, the courses also comes with a free PDF study guide that can be printed out for use during the course and the quizzes/test as part of their course materials (click the “Materials” tab on the menu located within the course player to access your free study guide).
Proof of Course Completion
Upon finishing any one of these online confined spaces in construction training courses, participants will be able to immediately print their personalized certificate of completion which certifies they successfully completed their confined spaces in construction course.
Customer / Student Support
Questions about sales and about the confined spaces in construction course should be directed to OSHA Training Services Inc, at 1-877-771-6742, or by submitting an email to our technical support team at
How to Register for an Online Confined Spaces in Construction Training Course
Click one of the “Add To Cart” links above to register for your online confined space training course of choice.