OSHA Requirements and Training Resources for Rocky Mount NC
The State of North Carolina operates a State OSHA program (NCDOL) that serves as the primary regulator of OSHA training in Rocky Mount NC. The North Carolina State plan was initially approved on February 1, 1973 (38 FR 3041). On December 18, 1996, OSHA announced the final approval of the North Carolina State plan pursuant to section 18(e) and amended Subpart I of 29 CFR part 1952 to reflect the Assistant Secretary’s decision.
NC OSHA Training Regulations and Standards
North Carolina’s State OSHA program has adopted many standards identical to federal ones. North Carolina has a limited number of state-specific standards. A list of these standards is provided below.
NCDOL state-specific standards for General Industry include:
- Hazardous Materials: 13 NCAC 07F.0103, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
- Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution: 13 NCAC 07F. 0105, Fall Protection
NCDOL state-specific standards for Construction Industry include:
- General Safety and Health Provisions: 13 NCAC 07F. 0202, PPE
- Occupational Health and Environmental Controls: 13 NCAC 07F. 0203, Non-ionizing Radiation
- Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment: 13 NCAC 07F .0204, Snaphooks
- Steel Erection: 13 NCAC 07F. 0205, Fall Protection
- Power Transmission and Distribution: 13 NCAC 07F. 0206, PPE
- Toxic and Hazardous Substances: 13 NCAC 07F. 0207, Bloodborne Pathogens
Additional NCDOL state-specific standards:
- Communication Towers: 13 NCAC 07F .0600
- Blasting and Use of Explosives: 13 NCAC 07F .0700
- Agriculture: 13 NCAC 07F. 0302 (Scope is not affected by number of employees)
- Maritime: 13 NCAC 07F .0500 (Public Sector coverage only)
- Access to Medical Records 13 NCAC 7A .0900
NCDOL state specific rules are contained in Title 13 of the North Carolina Administrative Code. The NCDOL website provides additional information about the status of specific standards in the state. And links to federal OSHA training requirements for construction and general industry are available below on this page.
The North Carolina Department of Labor exercises jurisdiction over all private and public sector employers and employees within the State, with the exception of Federal employees, the United States Postal Service (USPS), private sector maritime activities, employment on Indian reservations, railroad employment, and enforcement on military bases, and the American National Red Cross, which are subject to Federal OSHA jurisdiction.
North Carolina OSHA Information
The North Carolina Department of Labor (NCDOL) is charged with promoting the “health, safety and general well-being” of most workers in the state. The department is divided into three divisions: Administration, Occupational Safety and Health, and Standards and Inspections. The Occupational Safety and Health Division (OSH) is responsible for administering the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Contact information for the OSH Division is:
North Carolina Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Division
111 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
OSHA Training Resources
State of North Carolina OSHA Poster
OSHA Training Requirements for 1910 General Industry
OSHA Training Requirements for 1926 Construction
OSHA Training Conducted in English or Spanish at Your Site in Rocky Mount NC (see available courses below)
On-Site OSHA Training Classes IN Rocky Mount NC

OSHA 10 Hour Construction Training Class

OSHA 30 Hour Construction Training Class

Confined Space Entry for Construction Training Class

OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Training Class

OSHA 30 Hour General Industry Training Class

Confined Space Entry for General Industry Training Class

Excavation Competent Person Training Class

40 / 24 / 8 Hour Haz-Woper Safety Training Classes

More OSHA Training Classes Conducted in Rocky Mount
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Online OSHA Training Courses
Complete your OSHA training ASAP. Take an online OSHA training course. Over 100 on-demand OSHA training courses available for instant access, including 10 & 30 hour courses. Print your own OSHA training certification.
Disclaimer: This information was obtained from the Federal OSHA website. OSHA Training Services Inc. makes every effort to ensure that the information on this page is accurate and up to date, but changes in state law and procedures affecting the information on this page are beyond our control. Contact NC State OSHA program staff directly to verify important information about OSHA training requirements in Rocky Mount NC.