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OSHA Training in Minneapolis MN

We Conduct OSHA Training Classes at Your Site in Minneapolis

Host on site OSHA training classes for your employees in Minneapolis MN

OSHA Training Requirements and Resources for Minneapolis MN

Who regulates worker safety and OSHA training in Minneapolis MN? The State of Minnesota operates a State OSHA Program (MNOSHA). The Minnesota Occupational Safety and Health program is administered by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. The department’s Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Division is responsible for compliance program administration, conducting enforcement inspections, adoption of standards, and operation of other related OSHA activities in Minneapolis.

OSHA Training Minneapolis MN

We Are Officially Authorized OSHA Trainers in Minneapolis MN

There is no official certification required to teach most OSHA training classes in Minneapolis. However, you must make certain that on site OSHA 10 or 30-hour training classes are conducted by a trainer who is officially authorized to conduct these OSHA courses. The trainer must first complete a series of OSHA trainer classes provided by one of the OSHA Education centers located around the country. You can confirm their status as a currently authorized OSHA Outreach trainer by asking to look at their credentials proving they completed the following trainer courses.

Construction industry trainers must successfully complete the OSHA 510 course, followed by the OSHA 500 course. This qualifies the trainer to conduct OSHA 10-hour construction training in Minneapolis MN and anywhere else in the state for a four-year period. The trainer is also authorized to conduct OSHA 30-hour construction training in Minneapolis MN and elsewhere in the state. To maintain their status as an authorized OSHA Outreach trainer for construction, they must complete the OSHA 502 trainer update course every four years.

General industry trainers must successfully complete the OSHA 511 course, followed by the OSHA 501 course. This qualifies the trainer to conduct OSHA 10-hour general industry training in Minneapolis MN and anywhere else in the state for a four-year period. The trainer is also authorized to conduct OSHA 30-hour general industry training in Minneapolis MN and elsewhere in the state. To maintain their status as an authorized OSHA Outreach trainer for general industry, they must complete the OSHA 503 trainer update course every four years.

Be assured that our OSHA trainers who conduct on-site OSHA training classes in Minneapolis are all officially authorized OSHA Outreach trainers.

Online OSHA 10 and 30-hour Training Courses Accepted in Minneapolis MN

There are also OSHA-authorized online 10 and 30-hour training courses available for construction and general industry. However, you must pay close attention, as only those course providers that are specifically authorized to provide these courses can issue trainees the official DOL / OSHA 10 or 30-hour wallet cards. There are plenty of imitators out there who use deceptive fine print and “too good to be true” pricing to sell you a course that is not OSHA authorized.

You can rest assured that the 10 and 30-hour online OSHA training courses offered on our website are authorized by OSHA, and are accepted in Minneapolis as well as in all other states and US territories.

MN OSHA Training Regulations and Standards

Minnesota OSHA generally adopts Federal OSHA standards by reference. With the exception of the standards listed below, all federal OSHA standards for General Industry (29 CFR Part 1910) and Construction (29 CFR Part 1926) have been adopted by Minnesota OSHA. Minnesota OSHA has also adopted state-specific standards which address hazards not covered by Federal OSHA standards
Major differences between federal and MNOSHA regulations include:
  • Employee Right-to-Know is enforced by MNOSHA instead of the federal Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). Employee Right-to-Know covers harmful physical agents and infectious agents as well as hazardous substances and requires annual Haz-Com refresher training in addition to initial training. The rule covers employees in general industry, construction, maritime operations, and farming operations with more than 10 employees or a temporary labor camp.
  • Permissible Exposure Limits (29 CFR 1910.1000 – Air Contaminants). In 1989, federal OSHA revised its PELs under 1910.1000, which MNOSHA adopted. Although federal OSHA has since reverted to the pre-1989 PELs, MNOSHA still enforces the 1989 PELs for substances that are not covered by separate standards. (These are available on the MNOSHA website.)
  • Confined spaces (29 CFR 1910.146 and Minnesota Rules 5207.0300-0304). For general industry, Minnesota OSHA has adopted the federal Permit-Required Confined Spaces standard, 29 CFR 1910.146. For the construction industry, Minnesota OSHA enforces Minnesota Rules 5207.0300-0304.
  • Lockout Devices in Construction. MNOSHA has adopted its own lockout/tagout standard for the construction industry. This standard is in addition to 29 CFR 1926.417, Lockout and Tagging of Circuits, and the portions of 29 CFR 1926 Subpart O, Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment and Marine Operations, which address the control of potential energy. Employers in general industry must comply with 29 CFR 1910.147, Control of Hazardous Energy.
  • Additional MNOSHA requirements. Minnesota OSHA has also adopted standards covering topics not addressed in federal OSHA standards.

Mandatory Heat Illness Prevention Training in Minnesota

Minnesota’s heat safety regulations (Minn. R. 5205.0110) require employers to provide affected workers with heat illness prevention training. Whether in outdoor construction or hot indoor environments, our training prepares employees to stay safe and productive.

And the brutal winters in Minneapolis means affected workers could benefit from our cold stress prevention training course.

All standards are available on the MNOSHA website.


MNOSHA applies to all public and private sector places of employment in the Minneapolis and the rest of the state, with the exception of Federal employees, the United States Postal Service (USPS), private sector maritime, and certain agricultural related operations (field sanitation and temporary labor camps), which are subject to Federal OSHA jurisdiction.
Public-sector employers in Minnesota (with the exception of federal agencies and exclusive federal jurisdiction properties) are covered and are treated exactly as any other employer. Public-sector employers are subject to the same enforcement protocols as private sector employers including inspection scheduling, inspection procedures, complaint and nondiscrimination procedures, informal conference and contestation procedures, employee access to information provisions, record-keeping, and voluntary compliance programs.

Minnesota OSHA Information

Minnesota OSHA (MNOSHA)
443 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155

(651) 284-5741

The Federal OSHA National Emergency Hotline telephone number is 1-800-321-OSHA.

Request a proposal for on site OSHA training in Minneapolis MN

Disclaimer: This information was obtained from the Federal OSHA website. OSHA Training Services Inc. makes every effort to ensure that the information on this page is accurate and up to date, but changes in state law and procedures affecting the information on this page are beyond our control. Contact MN State OSHA program staff directly to verify important information about OSHA training requirements in Minneapolis.
