OSHA Requirements and Training Resources for Elizabethtown KY
The Commonwealth of Kentucky operates a State OSHA program (the Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Program). The Kentucky OSH Program, which oversees OSHA training in Elizabethtown KY for most employers, was initially approved in 1973 and granted final state plan approval June 13, 1985. Kentucky has the unique distinction to be the first state plan approved under the revised Federal benchmarks.
KY OSHA Training Regulations and Standards
Kentucky’s OSH regulations are promulgated by means of Kentucky Administrative Regulations. They consist of state-specific regulations unique to Kentucky, OSHA regulations incorporated with state-specific provisions, and OSHA regulations incorporated without change.
In general industry, Kentucky has state specific requirements regarding:
- Batteries
- Electrical Testing
- Safety Belts, Lanyards, and Life Lines
- Off Highway Motor Vehicles and Equipment
- Rollover Protective Structures and Overhead Equipment
- Fire Apparatus and Fire Department Facilities
- Refuse Collection and Compaction Equipment
- Receiving and Unloading Bulk Hazardous Liquids
- Employers Responsibilities Where Employees are Exposed to Toxic Substances
- Reporting Amputations or In Patient Hospitalizations
- Guarding Floor and Wall Openings
- Occupational Noise
- Flammable and Combustible Liquids
- Control of Hazardous Energy
- Medical Services and First Aid
- Powered Industrial Trucks
- Mechanical Power Presses
- Selection and Use of Work Practices (electrical)
- 4,4-Methulene bis (2-Chloroaniline)
- Laboratory Activities
- Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records
- Bloodborne Pathogens
Kentucky has state specific construction requirements regarding:
- Safety and Testing of Supply Lines in Excess of 600 Volts
- Refuse Collection and Compaction Equipment
- Receiving and Unloading Bulk Hazardous Liquids
- Employers Responsibilities Where Employees are Exposed to Toxic Substances
- Reporting Amputations or In Patient Hospitalizations
- Confined Space Entry
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Fall Protection
- Material Hoists, Personnel Hoists, and Elevators
- Steel Erection
- Blasting and Use of Explosives
- Power Transmission and Distribution
These regulations are available on the KY OSH website. Links to see federal OSHA training requirements for construction and general industry are available below on this page.
The Kentucky OSH Program exercises jurisdiction over all private and public sector employers and employees within the State except private sector maritime activities, Tennessee Valley Authority facilities, military personnel, U.S. Postal Service employees, employees working at properties ceded to the U.S. government, employees of the federal government, and issues of field sanitation and temporary labor camps in agriculture, except for agricultural temporary labor camps associated with egg, poultry or red meat production, or the post harvest processing of agricultural or horticultural commodities.
Kentucky OSHA Information
The Division of of Occupational Safety and Health is responsible for the enforcement of Kentucky’s OSH standards.
The OSHA National Emergency Hotline telephone number is 1-800-321-OSHA.
OSHA Training Resources
Federal / KY State OSHA Posters
OSHA Training Requirements for 1910 General Industry
OSHA Training Requirements for 1926 Construction
OSHA Training Conducted at Your Site in Elizabethtown KY (see available courses below)
On-Site OSHA Training Classes IN Elizabethtown KY
OSHA 10 Hour Construction Training Class
OSHA 30 Hour Construction Training Class
Confined Space Entry for Construction Training Class
OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Training Class
OSHA 30 Hour General Industry Training Class
Confined Space Entry for General Industry Training Class
Excavation Competent Person Training Class
40, 24, and 8-Hour HazWoper Safety Training Classes
Other OSHA Training Classes Conducted in Elizabethtown
Request a proposal for On SIte osha training in Elizabethtown KY
Elizabethtown KY - OSHA Training
Online OSHA Training Courses
Complete your OSHA training ASAP. Take an online OSHA training course. Over 100 on-demand OSHA training courses available for instant access, including OSHA 10 hour and 30 hour training courses. Print your OSHA training certification.
Disclaimer: This information was obtained from the Federal OSHA website. OSHA Training Services Inc. makes every effort to ensure that the information on this page is accurate and up to date, but changes in state law and procedures affecting the information on this page are beyond our control. Contact KY OSHA program staff directly to verify important information about OSHA training requirements in Elizabethtown KY.