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OSHA Training in Apple Valley CA

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OSHA Requirements and Training Resources for Apple Valley CA

If you need OSHA training in Apple Valley CA or the surrounding area, you are in the right place!  OSHA Training Services Inc. offers employers and workers the OSHA-authorized training resources needed to help you meet Federal and Cal/OSHA training requirements. To obtain a quote for an on site federal OSHA or Cal-OSHA training class, simply find the course you need above on this page and click to request a proposal. We also offer the most popular online OSHA courses like OSHA 10 and 30-hour, and many other training resources.

OSHA Training Regulations for CA

Who regulates worker safety in Apple Valley? The State of California, under an agreement with Federal OSHA, operates an approved State Plan OSHA Program, commonly known as Cal-OSHA. Initial approval of the California State Plan was published on May 1, 1973, and certification for completing all developmental steps was received on August 19, 1977.

Health and safety standards in the State of California are significantly different than those of Federal OSHA. The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board is a standard setting agency within the Cal-OSHA program, which includes development and maintenance of standards for certain areas not covered by federal standards or enforcement. These latter standards apply to elevators, aerial passenger tramways, amusement rides, pressure vessels, and mine safety training.

Cal-OSHA health and safety standards (also known as safety orders under Title 8) are available on the California DOL website.

Heat Illness Prevention Training Required for Workers in Apple Valley


Per Cal-OSHA safety orders (Title 8, Sections 3395 and 3396 of the California Code of Regulations), employers must provide heat illness prevention training to protect workers from hazardous heat exposure. This requirement applies to all affected workers, including but not limited to those in agriculture, construction, roadwork, firefighting, landscaping, mining, logging, vineyards, commercial kitchens, attics, and poorly ventilated buildings.

Workers must be trained to recognize early signs of heat-related illness, stay hydrated, take proper rest breaks, and respond to emergencies. Our Heat Illness Prevention Training Course helps employers meet state requirements and keep their teams safe in high temperatures.

Other Special Safety Training Considerations for Workers in Apple Valley CA


While our onsite and online OSHA 10 and 30-hour training courses for construction and general industry are the gold standard for training about general hazard identification and avoidance for workers and supervisors, there are many workers in and around Apple Valley who face unique environmental and occupational hazards that require other specialized safety training to prevent serious injuries and illnesses.

Cold Stress Prevention Training is critical for workers who are exposed to freezing temperatures or even cool and damp conditions, whether outdoors or in refrigerated warehouses, food processing plants, or unheated job sites. Cold stress can lead to frostbite, hypothermia, and reduced dexterity, increasing the risk of accidents. Workers will learn to recognize early symptoms of cold-related illnesses and implement safe work practices to minimize risk in frigid environments.


Also, workers in industries such as oil and gas, storm or wastewater management, mining, and agriculture must be aware of the dangers of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), a highly toxic gas commonly found in drilling sites, refineries, chemical plants, manure pits, grain elevators, mines, sewers, and underground utility spaces. Without proper precautions, exposure can quickly become fatal. Our H2S Hazard Awareness Training Course helps ensure workers can identify H2S hazards, understand the importance of gas detection equipment, and follow emergency procedures to stay safe in high-risk environments.


The California State Plan applies to all public and private sector places of employment in Apple Valley CA and the rest of the state, with the exception of Federal employees, the United States Postal Service (USPS), private sector employers on Native American lands, maritime activities on the navigable waterways of the United States, private contractors working on land designated as exclusive Federal jurisdiction, and employers that require Federal security clearances.

California OSHA Information

The Department of Industrial Relations administers the California Occupational Safety and Health Program, commonly referred to as Cal-OSHA. The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) oversees enforcement and consultation. There are several Cal-OSHA offices located throughout the state.

The central toll free telephone number for Cal/OSHA is 1-866-924-9757. Individual District Offices can be located by accessing the Cal-OSHA Enforcement Unit contact page on the Cal/OSHA website. The Cal-OSHA District Offices serving the LA / Inland Empire Region are:

Cal-OSHA District Office – Los Angeles
320 West 4th Street,  Ste. 850
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Cal-OSHA District Office – Monrovia
750 Royal Oaks Drive,  Ste. 104
Monrovia, CA  91016

Cal-OSHA District Office – San Bernardino
464 W. 4th St.,  Ste. 332,
San Bernardino, CA  92401

Cal-OSHA District Office – Santa Ana
2000 E. McFadden Ave., Ste 122
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 558-4451

Cal-OSHA District Office – Torrance
680 Knox Street,  Ste. 100
Torrance, CA  90502

Cal-OSHA District Office – Van Nuys
6150 Van Nuys Boulevard, Ste. 405
Van Nuys, CA  91401

Cal-OSHA District Office – West Covina
1906 West Garvey Ave So,  Ste. 200
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 472-0046

Cal-OSHA Field Office – Ventura
1000 Hill Road,  Ste. 110
Ventura, CA 93003

Federal OSHA’s National Emergency Hotline telephone number is 1-800-321-OSHA.

OSHA Training Resources

State of California OSHA / Labor Law Posters

OSHA Training Conducted at Your Site in Apple Valley CA

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Disclaimer: This information was obtained from the Federal OSHA website. OSHA Training Services Inc. makes every effort to ensure that the information on this page is accurate and up to date, but changes in state law and procedures affecting the information on this page are beyond OSHA’s control. Contact OSHA program staff directly to verify important information about OSHA training requirements in the state.

osha training apple valley CA