Welding, Cutting and Brazing
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OSHA Training Requirements - Welding, Cutting and Brazing
This website is not the official or final authority to determine OSHA compliance responsibilities, which are set forth in OSHA standards themselves, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Because OSHA regulations are constantly being added, deleted, and/or revised, you must not rely on this website as the official or final authority of OSHA training requirements; refer to the official OSHA regulations available on OSHA’s website (osha.gov). – See disclaimers.
1910.252 – 1910.255 – Welding, Cutting and Brazing
1910.252 – General requirements
(a)(2)(iii)(B) – Fire watchers shall have fire extinguishing equipment readily available and be trained in its use. They shall be familiar with facilities for sounding an alarm in the event of a fire. They shall watch for fires in all exposed areas, try to extinguish them only when obviously within the capacity of the equipment available, or otherwise sound the alarm. A fire watch shall be maintained for at least a half hour after completion of welding or cutting operations to detect and extinguish possible smoldering fires.
(a)(2)(xiii)- Management. Management shall recognize its responsibility for the safe usage of cutting and welding equipment on its property and:
(C) – Insist that cutters or welders and their supervisors are suitably trained in the safe operation of their equipment and the safe use of the process.
(D) – Advise all contractors about flammable materials or hazardous conditions of which they may not be aware.
(b)(3) – Protective clothing – General requirements. Employees exposed to the hazards created by welding, cutting, or brazing operations shall be protected by personal protective equipment in accordance with the requirements of 1910.132. Appropriate protective clothing required for any welding operation will vary with the size, nature and location of the work to be performed.
(c)(13) – First-aid equipment. First-aid equipment shall be available at all times. All injuries shall be reported as soon as possible for medical attention. First aid shall be rendered until medical attention can be provided.
1910.253 – Oxy-fuel gas welding and Cutting
(a)(4) – Personnel. Workmen in charge of the oxygen or fuel-gas supply equipment, including generators, and oxygen or fuel-gas distribution piping systems shall be instructed and judged competent by their employers for this important work before being left in charge. Rules and instructions covering the operation and maintenance of oxygen or fuel-gas supply equipment including generators, and oxygen or fuel-gas distribution piping systems shall be readily available.
1910.254 – Arc Welding and Cutting
(a)(3) – Instruction. Workmen designated to operate arc welding equipment shall have been properly instructed and qualified to operate such equipment as specified in paragraph (d) of this section.
(d)(1) – General. Workers assigned to operate or maintain arc welding equipment shall be acquainted with the requirements of this section and with 1910.252 (a), (b), and (c) of this part.
1910.255 – Resistance Welding
(a)(3) – Personnel. Workmen designated to operate resistance welding equipment shall have been properly instructed and judged competent to operate such equipment.

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