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Thirteen Carcinogens

OSHA Training Requirements - Thirteen Carcinogens

This website is not the official or final authority to determine OSHA compliance responsibilities, which are set forth in OSHA standards themselves, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Because OSHA regulations are constantly being added, deleted, and/or revised, you must not rely on this website as the official or final authority of OSHA training requirements; refer to the official OSHA regulations available on OSHA’s website (  –  See disclaimers.

1910.1003 – 1910.1016 – Thirteen Carcinogens

(a)(1) – This section applies to any area in which the 13 carcinogens addressed by this section [see list below] are manufactured, processed, repackaged, released, handled, or stored, but shall not apply to transshipment in sealed containers, except for the labeling requirements under paragraphs (e)(2), (3) and (4) of this section. The 13 carcinogens are the following:

– 1910.1003 – 4-Nitrobiphenyl, Chemical Abstracts Service Register Number (CAS No.) 92933;

– 1910.1004 – alpha-Naphthylamine, CAS No. 134327;

– 1910.1006 – methyl chloromethyl ether, CAS No. 107302;

– 1910.1007 – 3,3′-Dichlorobenzidine (and its salts) CAS No. 91941;

– 1910.1008 – bis-Chloromethyl ether, CAS No. 542881;

– 1910.1009 – beta-Naphthylamine, CAS No. 91598;

– 1910.1010 – Benzidine, CAS No. 92875;

– 1910.1011 – 4-Aminodiphenyl, CAS No. 92671;

– 1910.1012 – Ethyleneimine, CAS No. 151564;

– 1910.1013 – beta-Propiolactone, CAS No. 57578;

– 1910.1014 – 2-Acetylaminofluorene, CAS No. 53963;

– 1910.1015 – 4-Dimethylaminoazo-benzene, CAS No. 60117; and

– 1910.1016 – N-Nitrosodimethylamine, CAS No. 62759.

    (e)(5) – Training and indoctrination.

(i) Each employee prior to being authorized to enter a regulated area, shall receive a training and indoctrination program including, but not necessarily limited to:

(A) – The nature of the carcinogenic hazards of a carcinogen addressed by this section (see list above), including local and systemic toxicity;

(B) – The specific nature of the operation involving a carcinogen addressed by this section that could result in exposure;

(C) – The purpose for and application of the medical surveillance program, including, as appropriate, methods of self-examination;

(D) – The purpose for and application of decontamination practices and purposes;

(E) – The purpose for and significance of emergency practices and procedures;

(F) – The employee’s specific role in emergency procedures;

(G) – Specific information to aid the employee in recognition and evaluation of conditions and situations which may result in the release of a carcinogen addressed by this section;

(H) – The purpose for and application of specific first aid procedures and practices;

(I) – A review of this section at the employee’s first training and indoctrination program and annually thereafter.

(ii) – Specific emergency procedures shall be prescribed, and posted, and employees shall be familiarized with their terms, and rehearsed in their application.

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