Explosive and Blasting Agents
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OSHA Training Requirements - Explosive and Blasting Agents
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1910.109 – Explosive and Blasting Agents
(d)(3) – “Operation of transportation vehicles.”
(i) Vehicles transporting explosives shall only be driven by and be in the charge of a driver who is familiar with the traffic regulations, State laws, and the provisions of this section.
(iii) Every motor vehicle transporting any quantity of Class A or Class B explosives shall, at all times, be attended by a driver or other attendant of the motor carrier. This attendant shall have been made aware of the class of the explosive material in the vehicle and of its inherent dangers, and shall have been instructed in the measures and procedures to be followed in order to protect the public from those dangers. He shall have been made familiar with the vehicle he is assigned, and shall be trained, supplied with the necessary means, and authorized to move the vehicle when required.
(g)(3)(iii)(a) – The operator shall be trained in the safe operation of the vehicle together with its mixing, conveying, and related equipment. The employer shall assure that the operator is familiar with the commodities being delivered and the general procedure for handling emergency situations.
(g)(6)(ii) – Vehicles transporting blasting agents shall only be driven by and be in charge of a driver in possession of a valid motor vehicle operator’s license. Such a person shall also be familiar with the State’s vehicle and traffic laws.
(h)(4)(ii)(b) – The operator shall be trained in the safe operation of the [bulk delivery and mixing] vehicle together with its mixing, conveying, and related equipment. He shall be familiar with the commodities being delivered and the general procedure for handling emergency situations.

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