Woodworking Tools
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OSHA Training Requirements - WOODWORKING TOOLS
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1926.304 – Woodworking Tools
(f) Other requirements. All woodworking tools and machinery shall meet other applicable requirements of American National Standards Institute, 01.1-1961, Safety Code for Woodworking Machinery.
From ANSI Standard 01.1-1961, Selection and Training of Operators: “Before a worker is permitted to operate any woodworking machine, he shall receive instructions in the hazards of the machine and the safe method of its operation. Refer to A9.7 of the Appendix.
“A9.7 Selection and Training of Operators. Operation of Machines, Tools, and Equipment. General.”
“(1) Learn the machine’s applications and limitations, as well as the specific potential hazards peculiar to this machine. Follow available operating instructions and safety rules carefully.
“(2) Keep working area clean and be sure adequate lighting is available.
“(3) Do not wear loose clothing, gloves, bracelets, necklaces, or ornaments. Wear face, eye, ear, respiratory, and body protection devices, as indicated for the operation or environment.
“(4) Do not use cutting tools larger or heavier than the machine is designed to accommodate. Never operate a cutting tool at greater speed than recommended.
“(5) Keep hands well away from saw blades and other cutting tools. Use a push stock or push block to hold or guide the work when working close to a cutting tool.
“(6) Whenever possible, use properly locked clamps, jig, or vise to hold the work.
“(7) Combs (feather boards) shall be provided for use when an applicable guard cannot be used.
“(8) Never stand directly in line with a horizontally rotating cutting tool. This is particularly true when first starting a new tool, or a new tool is initially installed on the arbor.
“(9) Be sure the power is disconnected from the machine before tools are serviced.
“(10) Never leave the machine with the power on.
“(11) Be positive that hold-downs and anti-kickback devices are positioned properly, and that the workpiece is being fed through the cutting tool in the right direction.
“(12) Do not use a dull, gummy, bent, or cracked cutting tool.
“(13) Be sure that keys and adjusting wrenches have been removed before turning power on.
“(14) Use only accessories designed for the machine.
“(15) Adjust the machine for minimum exposure of cutting tool necessary to perform the operation.”

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