Online 24 Hour Fall Protection & Prevention Training Course
Home Online OSHA Training Courses Online 24 Hour Fall Protection & Prevention Training Course
Mandatory Fall Protection Training for the Competent Person at Many Construction Sites
This 24 hour course on fall protection and prevention addresses OSHA requirements and criteria for protecting workers from falling in construction workplaces covered under 29 CFR part 1926 and, in certain circumstances where they align, parts of the EM 385 fall protection standards required to be followed on US Army Corp of Engineer job sites (see the Q&A section located at the very bottom of this page for a partial overview of the differences in these two fall protection standards).
This advanced level course is intended to be taken by job-site superintendents, foremen, safety coordinators, managers and directors, business owners, safety committee members, and designated Competent Persons for fall protection programs.
Upon successful completion of this advanced 24-hour fall protection and prevention course, the student should:
– Have an understanding of the 1926 Federal OSHA fall protection requirements
– Know the OSHA height requirements for use of a safety harness and fall restraint system in general construction and for steel erection
– Understand restrictions for working near leading edges
– Be able to explain and demonstrate the proper uses of a body harness/ personal fall arrest system
– Know when and how safety nets should be used for fall protection
– Know when and how guardrail systems should be used
– Understand special fall protection requirements for working on scaffolding
– Identify the elements of a fall arrest system and explain their use and role
– Understand the requirements for covers over holes and other openings
– Understand the importance of load testing in relation to safety nets, body harnesses, guardrails, toe-boards, and the various parts of a fall restraint system
Online 24-Hour Fall Protection & Prevention Course - Only $595

How the 24-hour Online Training Course on Fall Protection & Prevention Works
This advanced level online fall protection and protection training is designed so that each trainee will have their own individual course. Individual trainees can be registered by clicking any one of the “Add to Cart” buttons appearing on this page. Trainees will be able to begin their online fall protection and prevention training course as soon as they are registered for their online OSHA course, and will receive a confirmation email that allows them to log back in at a later time. To make sure there is someone at the computer during the course, the student must use their mouse to click on an arrow to advance through the course each time a section is completed. The course is narrated, so the student must use a computer equipped with speakers or plug in headphones or ear-buds so they can hear.
One of the major benefits of taking this online 24-hour fall protection and prevention training course is the trainee may log out of their online course at any time during their training session, and can log back in later to resume training where they left off, even from a different computer or tablet. Students are allotted up to six months to complete their course, but they can certainly complete it much quicker since the course is available for them 24/7/365.
All online training courses may need to be supplemented by employers with any other mandatory training topics required to comply with specific OSHA regulations.
Course Quizzes and Final Test
There is a short quiz at the end of each module, and each sectional quiz must be passed with a 70% to proceed forward to the next lesson. Multiple attempts to pass each quiz are allowed. There is also a final exam which must be completed with a 70% to receive your certificate of completion.
Proof of Course Completion
Upon successful completion of this online 24-hour advanced fall protection and prevention training course, participants will be able to print their personalized certificate of completion to prove they took the RMOL-0113 training course.
Customer / Student Support
Questions about Sales and the course in general can be handled by calling OSHA Training Services Inc, at 1-877-771-6742, or by submitting the Contact form (Click Here).
Technical support for this 24 hour fall protection and prevention safety training course is available to students from the 360training customer service department. They can be reached by email ( or they can be contacted for help by phone (1-877-881-2235). The 360training support department’s hours of operation are Monday through Friday 7 AM to 8 PM (Central). Closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Course Fee
The online advanced-level 24 hour fall protection and prevention training course costs just $595.
How to Register for this Online Advanced Fall Protection & Prevention Training Course
Click the “Add to Cart” button below to register for this online 24-hour advanced-level fall protection and prevention training course.
Register for this course
OSHA Fall Protection Requirements - Q&A
The answer depends on which OSHA standards apply to the specific work situation. In federal OSHA’s general industry (1910 standards), the general rule is that suitable fall protection is required to be provided and used when a worker near the side or edge of, or opening in, a walking-working surface is exposed to a potential fall of four (4) feet or more. However, the general industry scaffold standard for general industry requires fall protection be provided and used at 10 feet. There is also a standard that requires fall protection be used anytime an employee is working above dangerous equipment regardless of the height. Last but not least, there is a specific rule requiring suitable fall protection on fixed ladders that extend more than 24 feet above a lower level.
For construction environment (1926), federal OSHA standards generally require suitable fall protection be used when an employee is exposed to a potential fall of six (6) feet or more when working at the edge or side of, or opening in, a walking-working surface. The scaffold standard for construction requires fall protection be provided at 10 feet. There are also special rules for employees working in steel erection activities; fall protection is required to be provided and used when exposed to potential falls of 15 feet or greater for most workers, and at 30 feet or greater for connectors.
This is a general, non-exhaustive overview of federal OSHA fall protection thresholds that apply to many work situations. However, there are several other requirements in both the general industry and construction standards that require fall protection for other specific situations. And remember that some state OSHA programs could have different requirements that are more restrictive, as do other government agencies (such as the US Army Corp of Engineers EM-385-11 standards) and some companies. Always refer to, and comply with, the applicable standards for your specific work situation and location.
Federal OSHA 1926 Construction Fall Protection Requirements, which apply to most contractors working on worksites regulated by OSHA, and the EM-385-1-1 Fall Protection Requirements, which apply to workers on jobsites regulated by the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE). Many of the two organizations’ fall protection-related standards are the same or substantially similar. However, there are a few important differences that are often overlooked. Here is a non-exhaustive overview of the major differences:
As mentioned above, federal OSHA 1926 construction fall protection standards generally requires construction workers to be provided with some form of fall protection (e.g.: guardrails, safety nets, personal fall arrest system . . .) when exposed to falls of six (6) or more feet. OSHA standards also has exceptions for construction workers who are on a scaffold (10-foot threshold for fall protection), and iron-workers involved in erecting steel (15 threshold for most activities, 30 feet for connectors in certain instances). However, the EM-385 rule that apply to US Army Corp of Engineer job-sites applies the six (6) foot fall protection rule to most all workers on their worksites, and specifically state they require fall protection be provided for workers using scaffold as well as iron-working at the six-foot threshold.
Another commonly overlooked difference is that OSHA construction standards only address use of a body belt to be used by workers in extensible boom lifts, and they do not address or require the same for workers in scissor lifts. But the EM-385 rules do require employees in scissor lifts also wear a body belt or harness equipped with a lanyard short enough to prevent them from leaving the platform.
One more primary difference is that the OSHA fall protection standards do require employers provide for timely rescue of employees who have fallen and are suspended in a full body harness, whereas the EM-385 rule followed on US Army Corp of Engineer job-sites also requires the employer to develop and have on site a written fall protection plan which includes written procedures (not required by OSHA) to be used for fallen worker rescue.
Refer to federal OSHA 1926 construction standards and the US Army Corp of Engineers EM-385-1-1- standards for full details about their respective requirements.
Generally speaking, Fall Prevention is the term used to classify items such as guardrails and travel restraint systems that prevent a worker from falling. A Fall Protection system protects the worker from striking the ground or other lower work surface by arresting (stopping) the fall once it has occurred; for example, a full-body harness with lanyard attached to an anchor, or a safety net system.
Generally speaking, no; the employer will need to provide some form of fall protection, such as but not limited to a fall arrest system, guardrails, safety net, hole cover, or travel restraint system, for affected workers. However, federal OSHA general industry standards do allow some employees to perform certain types of work while on low-slope roofs (no more than a 1 to 4 vertical to horizontal slope) without using any form of fall protection, but only if the work is performed both infrequently and is temporary in nature. In those infrequent cases, the employer must implement and enforce a work rule prohibiting employees from going within 15 feet (4.6 m) of the roof edge without using fall protection. Because this is a general, non-exhaustive overview of fall protection requirements for general industry, you must refer to 1910 Subpart D for specific federal OSHA requirements.
There is also a rule in the federal OSHA construction standards that allow some employees to perform specific types of work on low-slope roofs with a 34- to 39-inch-high flagged warning line installed six or more feet back from the edge. They may also work closer to the edge when a trained designated safety monitor is present to observe the workers and warn them if they appear to be approaching the edge unknowingly or working unsafely. However, this allowance is ONLY applicable to non-residential roofing work (such as installing or removing commercial roofing materials; NOT just being on top of a roof while working). A similar option is also available to workers performing over-hand brick-laying work or pre-cast panel erection. Because this is a general, non-exhaustive overview of fall protection requirements for construction, you must refer to 1926 Subpart M and associated standards for specific federal OSHA requirements.
No. The federal OSHA standard that outlines the scope of fall protection regulations for construction, found in 1926 subpart M, specifically exclude portable ladders from coverage by those rules; ladder use is instead regulated by federal OSHA in 1926 subpart X, which does not require use of a fall protection system when using a portable ladder. The same is true for general industry, as found in paragraph 1910.28(a)(2)(i). Be aware that some state standards, or those of other government agencies or private companies, may still require use of some form of fall protection while working on a portable ladder, or on other types of ladders (e.g.: fixed ladders, mobile ladder stands and platforms), so always research all applicable regulations for your work environment.