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Online Mold Inspector Certification Course

Nationally Recognized Certification for Mold Inspectors

The Online Mold Inspector Certification course offered on our website is the training course you need if you conduct inspections for the identification of potentially toxic mold in buildings and similar structures. This online professional mold inspector certification course is offered through the National Association of Mold Professionals (NAMP).

This mold inspector certification course will provide the student with a fundamental knowledge about Fungi and the potential health risks of toxigenic mold. This course covers the different ways to inspect for and control mold infestation, while ensuring the safety of the inspector and building inhabitants during the process. This course will explain the different tools and personal protective equipment (PPE) used during the inspection process. For each area of a house or building, the course will detail what to inspect, how to access it, and the sampling methods to use if mold is indicated. The course will also explain the testing procedures and legal requirements used by an AIHA certified laboratory. Last, you will learn how to interpret the results of laboratory testing.

The National Association of Mold Professionals is a non-profit organization that was established with the goal of  developing and promoting the Mold Inspection and Remediation industry. NAMP is America’s oldest and largest Mold Association. Students completing this course are eligible to apply for membership in this organization, and can apply for a listing in the NAMP database of certified mold inspectors. 

Mold Inspector Certification Course - 6 Hour - Only $495

How the Online Mold Inspector Certification Course Works

This online Mold Inspector Certification course is designed so that each trainee will have their own course. Trainees will be able to begin their online training course as soon as they are registered, and will receive a confirmation email that allows them to log back in at a later time. To make sure there is someone at the computer during the course, the student must use their mouse to click on an arrow to advance through the course each time a section is completed. The course is narrated, so the student must use a computer equipped with speakers or plug in headphones or ear-buds so they can hear.

One of the major benefits of taking this online Mold Inspector Certification course is the trainee may log out of their course at any time during their training session, and can log back in later to resume training where they left off, even from a different computer or tablet. Students are allotted up to six months to complete their course, but they can certainly complete it much quicker since the course is available for them 24/7/365.

All online training courses may need to be supplemented by employers with any other mandatory training topics (such as PPE and respiratory protection fitting) required to comply with specific OSHA regulations.

Online Mold Inspector Certification Training Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Identify the services provided by the National Association of Mold Professional (NAMP) Certified Mold Inspector
  • Discuss the characteristics and health impact of Fungi and the criteria that indicate toxigenic mold
  • Describe various ways to control mold
  • Identify the tools used to detect mold
  • Know what personal protective equipment (PPE) to utilize to protect ones self
  • Identify the areas and methods used to inspect in the exterior and interior of building assemblies, including attics, basements, crawl-spaces, foundations, roofs, and kitchens, bathrooms and other interior rooms
  • List mold testing procedures and legal requirements
  • Explain the interpretation of laboratory results

Course Quizzes and Final Test

There is a short quiz at the end of each module, and each sectional quiz must be passed with a 100% to proceed forward to the next lesson. Multiple attempts to pass each quiz are allowed. There is also a final exam consisting of 10 questions which must be completed with a 70% to receive your certificate of completion.

Proof of Course Completion

mold inspector certificationUpon successful completion of the online Mold Inspector Certification course, participants will be able to print their personalized NAMP certificate of completion to prove they took the course.

Customer / Student Support

Questions about Sales and the course in general can be handled by calling OSHA Training Services Inc, at 1-877-771-6742, or by submitting the Contact form (Click Here).

Technical support for this Mold Inspector Certification course is available to students from the 360training technical service department. They can be reached by email ( or they can be contacted for help by phone (1-877-881-2235). The 360training support department’s hours of operation are Monday through Friday 7 AM to 8 PM (Central). Closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Course Fee

The online Mold Inspector Certification Course costs just $495. 

How to Register for the Online Mold Inspector Certification Training Course

Click on the “Add to Cart” button below to register for your online Mold Inspector Certification course.

How to Identify Various Types of Mold

As explained in this online Mold Inspector Training Certification course, understanding the common sources of mold growth and how they often appear can help in identifying and subsequently mitigating mold problems in indoor environments. Here are several common types of molds found in indoor environments, listed from most harmful to least harmful. It is important to note, however, that individual sensitivities to mold vary, and the severity of health effects can depend on factors such as the amount and duration of exposure, as well as the individual’s overall health status.:

  1. Stachybotrys Chartarum (Black Mold):
    • Descriptor: Commonly referred to as black mold due to its dark greenish-black appearance. Often found in areas with excessive moisture, such as water-damaged buildings, flooded areas, or on materials with high cellulose content like drywall and wood.
    • Common Sources: Water-damaged buildings, flooded areas, damp drywall, wood.
    • Effects: Produces mycotoxins that can cause severe health issues, including respiratory problems and neurological symptoms.
  2. Aspergillus:
    • Descriptor: Comes in various colors, including green, yellow, white, or black. Commonly found indoors and outdoors, especially in decaying organic matter, compost piles, and soil. Indoors, it can grow on damp surfaces like wallpapers, insulation, and HVAC systems.
    • Common Sources: Decaying organic matter, compost piles, soil, damp wallpapers, insulation.
    • Effects: Can lead to allergic reactions, respiratory infections, and lung inflammation, particularly in immunocompromised individuals.
  3. Penicillium:
    • Descriptor: Often blue or green in color. Commonly present in water-damaged buildings, damp areas, and on materials such as wallpaper, carpets, and insulation.
    • Common Sources: Water-damaged buildings, damp areas, wallpaper, carpets.
    • Effects: Can trigger allergic reactions, respiratory issues, and worsen asthma symptoms.
  4. Cladosporium:
    • Descriptor: Green, brown, or black in color. Commonly found in damp areas such as basements, bathrooms, and around leaky windows. It can also grow on fabrics, wood, and damp HVAC systems.
    • Common Sources: Basements, bathrooms, leaky windows, fabrics, wood.
    • Effects: Known to cause allergic reactions and respiratory issues, especially in individuals with allergies or asthma.
  5. Alternaria:
    • Descriptor: Dark green or brown with a velvety texture. Typically found outdoors in soil and plants, but can also grow indoors on damp surfaces like showers, bathtubs, and damp walls.
    • Common Sources: Soil, plants, showers, bathtubs, damp walls.
    • Effects: Common allergen, known to cause respiratory problems and worsen asthma symptoms.
  6. Chaetomium:
    • Descriptor: Initially white, then turns gray, olive, or brown with age. Thrives on water-damaged materials such as damp drywall, carpets, and paper products. Often found in buildings with water leaks or flooding.
    • Common Sources: Damp drywall, carpets, paper products, water leaks, flooding.
    • Effects: Can cause allergic reactions and respiratory issues, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems.
  7. Fusarium:
    • Descriptor: Pink, white, or reddish in color.  Commonly found in soil, plants, and grains, but can also grow indoors on water-damaged materials like carpets, wallpaper, and building materials.
    • Common Sources: Soil, plants, grains, carpets, wallpaper, building materials.
    • Effects: Can trigger allergic reactions, respiratory problems, and skin infections, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems.
  8. Trichoderma:
    • Descriptor: Green or white.  Often found in damp areas like wet drywall, carpets, and fabrics. It can also grow in soil, decaying wood, and on paper products.
    • Common Sources: Wet drywall, carpets, fabrics, soil, decaying wood.
    • Effects: Can cause respiratory issues, allergic reactions, and skin infections, though it is less common than some other molds.

This overview should give a clearer picture of where these molds originate, how they may appear, and how they can affect individuals exposed in affected indoor environments.
